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About Tony Holkham (contact Tony for more information)
For books and other services, please see Tony's home page.
Tony Holkham has always loved to write, but it wasn't until he sold short stories to the Evening News and Omni magazine in the 1970s that he began to feel as though he was 'a writer'. However, as he had already spent years in industry writing regulatory documents, technical data sheets and labels, he has been a professional writer for most of his working life.
Since then, with help along the way from the London School of Journalism and the Open University, Tony has produced a steady flow of articles, blogs, stories, verse, lyrics, plays, reviews, letters and a growing number of books. He has lectured, discussed his work on radio and helped other writers just starting out.
After leaving industry in 1990 Tony established a consultancy giving writing advice and training to a wide range of businesses as far afield as the USA and as near as his local solicitor. He has advised on product information and labels, marketing and advertising literature, website content and consumer issues, and has written for magazines and local newspapers.
It is this broad experience that has enabled Tony to provide a professional and always up-to-date writing advisory service.
Please explore this website and feel free to contact Tony with any comments or questions. If he can help you with writing, whether in business or in private life, or with any consumer problems, you can discuss it with no obligation on either part. Tony often gives free advice by email.